Master of Social Work Program

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的社会工作硕士(MSW)课程教育社会工作者服务于个人的需求, 家庭, 组, communities and organizations in a multicultural and global society.  密歇根州立大学丹佛’s MSW Program is 完全认可 by the Council on Social Work Education, the sole accrediting body for social work programs in the United States.

Our program combines academic, 将研究和实地经验融入严谨的课程中,教授道德决策, 科学探究, 文化敏感性, and global awareness as well as clinical assessment and intervention skills, 领导 and management skills, and community organizing.


城市生活垃圾计划的使命是教育致力于提高个人和社区福祉和促进社会正义的社会工作领导者.  The program promotes the values and work of the profession, 通过教学, 服务, research and collaboration.


  • Prepare students to uphold social work core values.
  • Prepare students to be ethical and competent practitioners.
  • 培养学生成为临床和社区实践中的科学知识和道德领袖.
  • Prepare students for evidence-based, 系统, culturally-responsive, 社会正义-oriented practice.

The MSW Program is rooted in the ideas of 综合练习:

The strength of social work is in its 多功能性 扎根于 社会正义. 该课程将使学生具备履行各种专业角色的能力,如临床医生, 治疗师, 领袖, 组织者, 和活动家. This Integrative Practice approach to our advanced curriculum prepares students to be 领导人 that understand how to work effectively across 多个系统. 社会工作者需要一个 整体 方法和 交点的 perspective in working with client and client systems; and understand the reciprocal connections among individuals, 社会环境, 和政策. Social workers as 领导人 is a fundamental concept that requires students to engage as 变革的推动者 并发展出 临床镜头 that applies to all levels of practice. 学生必须在与个人、组织和社区层面的工作中熟练使用多维评估和干预措施. 在综合实践中,学生可以选择将他们的实践进一步集中在众多实践中的一个 通路 课程提供.

Benefits of Earning Your Degree at 密歇根州立大学丹佛

At 密歇根州立大学丹佛, students get a high level of instruction at an affordable price. Our MSW Program offers:

  • 多种课程交付和入学选择为皇冠官网网站的学生提供了灵活性,并增加了他们的生活环境的可访问性.
  • Small class sizes, which means you get more direct contact with your faculty and advisors.
  • Classroom and field experiences that prepare you for an intense professional environment
  • Diverse and experienced professors who are dedicated to helping students learn and succeed.
  • Hands-on advising focused on helping you reach your educational and professional goals.
  • 一个多元化的学生团体,由超过30%的有色人种学生和超过45%的30岁以上的学生组成.
  • Scholarship and workforce development stipend programs to help students reach their goals.
  • A unique Office of Social Work 学生服务, providing dedicated student support from admission through graduation and beyond.
  • A dedicated Office of Field Education, 与学生一对一合作,确保实习机会,同时与全州700多家机构保持联系.

Welcome from the MSW Program Director

“不要害怕. 确定. 是充满希望的. 被授权.”

当你选择成为一名社会工作者时,你就选择成为一名“面对困难从不沉默的领导者”(布伦纳斯·布朗). 如果你刚刚接触社会工作,并且意识到这是适合你的职业, or, if you already have a BSW and years of experience in the field, 欢迎. Welcome to an inspiring profession and discipline. 欢迎来到密歇根州立大学丹佛分校. 和, 欢迎 to our MSW Program.

As a value-based profession housed in a university, 皇冠官网网站以职业道德和实践标准为指导,同时提供智力增长和发现机会. The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 MSW Program is dedicated to preparing master social workers for ethical, justice-oriented and empowering clinical intervention, 领导, 项目管理和倡导,同时装备你与反压迫的实践镜头,以推进社会工作领域.

Your journey to be an MSW will be an exciting adventure. Social work is a rewarding profession, filled with people committed to making a difference in the lives of others. You’ll find your work as a graduate student, like that of a social worker, difficult but always worth it. 最后,如果你做了你能做和需要做的事情,你就为积极的改变做出了贡献.

We understand you have choices in graduate programs, and as you make this important decision to expand your education, 皇冠官网网站认为你会发现皇冠官网网站的项目为个人和职业发展提供了一个独特的机会.  Here are just a few of the reasons to continue your education with us:

教师 -皇冠官网网站的教师是一个多元化的专家群体,他们寻求参与和挑战你,因为你获得新的知识和磨练你的技能.  教师在儿童福利等领域的实践和研究方面都有广泛的经验, 老年医学, 行为健康, 咨询, 项目管理, international social work, 并随时准备帮助您驾驭以正义为导向所需的专业原则和知识基础, empowering social work practice.

工作人员 – Our knowledgeable staff are eager to help guide you on your journey.  皇冠官网网站有一个专业的咨询团队和实地办事处,他们与你密切合作,以一种平衡你的责任的方式来规划你的学习, 同时, help ensure you get the skills you want and need for informed, transformative practice in the field.

学生空间 -皇冠官网网站的学生空间为您提供参与部门和社会工作专业领导职位的机会,以及便利的归属感空间.

的经验 – Our 完全认可 program has been developed to prepare social workers ready to lead. 皇冠官网网站有趣的课程旨在提高你的知识和技能,道德实践与不同的人群. Our course offerings are flexible (day, night and weekend) and accessible in a variety of formats (face-to-face, 混合动力, 和在线).  和, with 1080 hours of field practicum, you will graduate with the real-world experience employers seek.

的值 -皇冠官网网站的专业教师和工作人员以及灵活的时间表选择,辅以高负担能力, with the best value for graduate-level social work education in the region.

Thank you for allowing us to accompany you on your journey to becoming a Change Agent. Enjoy your transformative journey and remember we are a community invested in your success, get involved and stay connected!



Tanya greathhouse博士.D., LCSW

MSW Program Director | Assistant Professor

职业发展机会 for Our 研究生s

With salaries ranging from $36,600 to $87,300 and a median pay of $55,350, it’s a good time to go into social work.  Not only is social work one of the most personally fulfilling professions, it’s also a career field primed for growth.  美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 预计从2022年到2032年,社会工作者的就业将增长7%(快于美国的平均增长速度).S. 就业增长!).

  • 69%的毕业生在毕业后两个月内找到了工作,87%的毕业生在不到六个月的时间内找到了工作.
  • 98% of graduates felt well-prepared by the program to practice social work.
  • Our graduates are working in mental health or community mental health, 卫生保健, 儿童福利, 学校社会工作, 药物滥用, 家庭服务中心, 老化, domestic violence or crisis intervention, and corrections/criminal justice.
  • Our graduates are working as program directors, medical social workers, 治疗师, 学校社工, birth mother case workers, internal medicine social workers, therapeutic additions case workers, forensic social workers and more!



Our MSW Program is 完全认可 by the Council on Social Work Education – the sole accrediting body for social work education in the United States. 认证确保在课程内容和交付方面达到专业标准. CSWE定期对认证项目进行严格审查,以确保符合教育标准.




Some agencies that have hired 密歇根州立大学丹佛 MSW graduates are: the Community College of 丹佛, 心肺复苏青年联络, Mesa County School District, Jefferson County Human Services, Longmont Housing Authority, Aurora 男人tal 健康中心, 丹佛公立学校, the Guadalupe Project and the Department of Human Services.


密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的社会工作系重视评估过程,因为它会导致在多个层面上通知项目改进的工具数据. Our assessment methods have improved over the years, 皇冠官网网站最近的改进包括与皇冠官网网站的利益相关者(学生)共享评估数据, 现场讲师, and other community partners). We invite you to view our recent assessment findings.


The Department of Social Work is here to support you on your journey!

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Department of Social Work
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