
Faculty who wish to apply for transitional retirement should submit the appropriate application form to the immediate supervisor by the deadline specified in the 程序上的日历 in order to discuss arrangements and work assignments. 

Approval of applications for participation in the 过渡退休 program is made by the Provost. 

的 period of Transitional Employment shall be mutually agreed to by the Faculty member and the Dean. 的 total period of Transitional Employment may not exceed three fiscal years and shall end no later than three calendar years from the date of the Faculty member’s agreement to retire. Tenure is concluded at the end of the Transitional Employment period. A faculty member could be hired, post retirement from a tenured position, into an at-will position. PERA or ORP must approve the individual’s application for benefits before he or she begins work and/or becomes entitled to any compensation under a transitional retirement contract. 

An application for transitional retirement shall not be approved unless the Faculty member executes a release of the University and its 校董会, 员工, and agents from all claims in any way arising out of or relating to the Faculty member’s employment with the University. 

For additional information, please see Section VIII of the 教师就业手册 and information included in the 过渡退休申请.

与人力资源部门合作, the Office of 教员事务 also hosts two workshops -one in fall and one in spring- to cover the program.

Faculty Retirement Workshop (April 2024)


Outside Employment and Conflict of Interest

的 policy regarding faculty Outside Employment and Conflict of Interest can be found in Section V of the 教师就业手册.


For thorough information on requirements for hiring new faculty, see Section I of the 教师就业手册.

人力资源厅 maintains updated information on the faculty hiring process and additional resources and forms are available to assist, 包括:


Typically, emeritus nominations are submitted to the 校董会 in the spring semester. 的 timeline for submission of nominations is detailed in the 程序上的日历. In rare cases, if there are extenuating circumstances, we can process the nomination “off cycle”, i.e., outside the timeline spelled out in the 程序上的日历. 在这种情况下, the nomination should be submitted to the Provost’s Office no less than one month prior to the upcoming Board meeting to allow time for review by the Provost and President, and inclusion of the nomination in the Board Book. 

为了获得荣誉退休资格, the employee must 1) be retired; 2) have a record of service at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 of at least ten years in duration; and 3) have a record of excellence in their role. 

Emeritus nominations can be reviewed for 员工 who have announced their retirement, but the actual title of Emeritus cannot be assigned until the retirement date has passed. 例如, 一位教职员工, at the beginning of an academic year announces that they will be retiring at the end of the academic year can have their emeritus nomination reviewed during that spring semester. However, they will not be considered to have emeritus status until the retirement has occurred. Faculty on transitional retirement cannot be awarded emeritus status until the retirement has occurred. 

Additional information can be found in Section II.K的 教师就业手册 and the Emeritus Nomination Guide and Application.


Proposal for leave without pay should be submitted in a single copy through the department chair or director and the dean to the Office of 教员事务. 的 narrative should be typed on plain paper and follow the format on application.